Vaccine and Ebola Virus

Vaccine and Ebola Virus 


Vaccine (from vaccinia, which causes cowpox infection when administered to humans, will cause the influence of immunity to smallpox), the antigenic material used to produce active immunity against a disease that can prevent or reduce the effect of infection by organisms of natural or "wild" .
Vaccines can be either viral or bacterial strains that have been weakened so as not to cause disease. Vaccines can also be a dead organism or the results of purification (proteins, peptides, particles similar to viruses, etc..). The vaccine will prepare human or animal's immune system to defend against attack specific pathogens, especially bacteria, viruses, or toxins. The vaccine can also help the immune system to fight degenerative cells (cancer).
Growing immunity

The immune system recognizes the vaccine as an agent of a foreign particle, destroying it, and "remember" it. When at a later date virulent agents that infect the body, the immune system have been prepared:

1. Neutralize the material before it can enter cells, and
2. Recognize and destroy cells that have been infected before this agent can reproduce.

Attenuated vaccine used against tuberculosis, rabies, and smallpox; agent who died used to overcome cholera and typhoid; used against diphtheria toxoid and tetanus.

Although the vaccine so far no virulent agents as "real", can cause adverse side effects, and should be reinforced with a booster shot every few years. One way to overcome this is by DNA vaccination. DNA that encode a part of the virus or bacteria that can be recognized by the immune system is introduced and expressed in human cells / animal. These cells then produce toxoid infection agent, with no other harmful effects. In 2003, DNA vaccination is still in trial, but shows promising results.
Eradication of Disease

Various diseases like polio have been controlled in developed countries through the use of vaccines in bulk (in fact, smallpox has been successfully eradicated, whereas rubella was reported to have perished from the U.S.).

Throughout the majority of people have been immunized, infectious disease outbreaks will be difficult. The effect is called herd immunity. Some people, especially who practice alternative medicine, refusing to immunize themselves or their families, based on the belief that their adverse side effects of vaccines. Proponents of routine vaccination responded by saying that the side effects of vaccines have been licensed, if any, is much smaller compared with illness caused by infection, or very rarely, and assume that the matter of profit / loss should be based on the benefits to humanity as a whole, not just personal gain immunized. The main risk of rubella, for example, is to fetuses of pregnant women, but this risk can be effectively reduced by the immunization of children that are not transmitted to a pregnant woman.


Ebola is a virus of the genus Ebolavirus, families Filoviridae, and also the name of a disease caused by a virus. The symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, body ache, bleeding inside and out, and fever. The mortality rate ranges between 80% to 100%. Originally he is from the Ebola River in Congo.
Ebola disease can be transmitted through direct contact with body fluids or skin. The incubation period of 2 to 21 days, generally between 5 to 10 days. We have been developed for the Ebola vaccine is 100% effective in monkeys, but a vaccine for humans has not been found.
So far, Ebola is the most deadly disease worldwide. Chance to live if infected with this disease is still 0% alias is not possible, and still sought after vaccine. Patients usually die in a cycle of six straight days to 20 days, the alias is very fast. Now we can say that Ebola is the most avoidable disease to infected worldwide.


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