Pregnancy is the most eagerly awaited by the husband and wife who have never had children, especially their long marriage age. Pregnancy can occur at any time and in early pregnancy is usually the wife does not realize that she is pregnant. Moreover, if this is the first pregnancy. The following features will be explained or signs of pregnancy that can help your wife to find out if you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy symptoms and complaints are varied. Not all women experience the same thing. There is a tremendous complain, others do not have any complaints.
1. Not getting your period or menstrual
It's a sign of early pregnancy, especially if used regularly menstruating. Combined with the positive signs of the other, most likely you are pregnant. But a missed period can also be caused by other factors and not a symptom of pregnancy. If you've missed a period, you better ensure your pregnancy with a pregnancy test at the pharmacy counter. This tool is generally 99% accurate.
2. Spots appear and cramps
When you're pregnant, usually marked by the appearance of spots on the pink panties that occurs at implantation (when the embryo attached to the uterine wall. This occurs about 8-10 days after ovulation, a bit earlier than the arrival time of menstruation). We sometimes misidentified as menstruation, only shorter time than normal menstruation. Cramps are also common in early pregnancy.
3. Nausea and vomiting
If you are pregnant, early pregnancy, a few days after fertilization, may experience morning sickness. Morning sickness is actually a false name, because in fact the nausea and vomiting can occur at any time: morning, noon, night. Usually, both these signs began to be felt at the age of 2-8 weeks of pregnancy after conception. Then, stop when you enter the month 4.Sebenarnya, nausea and vomiting arising from changes in various hormones in the body in early pregnancy. Even so, the conditions on every pregnant woman is not the same. Some are mild, but some are severe. In fact, it can be severe vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum)
4. Tired of excessive
If you are pregnant, the most common symptoms in the first eight to ten weeks is exhaustion. During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes in metabolism. Your whole body needs to adjust to the new growth of the fetus. for most women, the fatigue will go at 12 weeks gestation.
5. Nipple or breast softer
If you are pregnant, you will recognize that the breasts and nipples become tender around three weeks after conception (when your period about a week late). Breasts may feel swollen, similar to the time before menstruation.
6. Darkening of the areola
At the beginning of pregnancy, you may recognize the areola (dark area surrounding the nipple) begin to darken and enlarge its diameter. Believed that the increasing darkness of the color of the areola helps the newborn find the nipple to suckle. You may also be recognized that the veins in the breasts become more visible due to tension in the breast.
7. Constipation
Defecate (BAB) is difficult and not smooth? This commonly occurs in early pregnancy. Extra hormones produced during pregnancy cause the intestines to be more flexible and less efficient.
8. Rise in basal body temperature
Where a pregnant, basal body temperature increases, the time periods that should have come up missing. and does not descend to the level before ovulation occurs. Time of fertilization, the ovum is fertilized in the fallopian tubes, and takes about a week to the uterus, in which the fertilized ovum will stick in there.
9. Frequent urination
"Habit" is often arise in the new first months of pregnancy. This happens because the uterus begins to enlarge the bladder pressure. Generally, this is beginning to be felt around 6-8 weeks after conception. Once the uterus out of the pelvis, this complaint will be reduced. However, you will begin to frequently urinate again in the last trimester because the fetus begins to enter the pelvic cavity.
Increasing pregnancy hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone, it can affect the development of the mammary gland. Do not be surprised if your breasts look a bit bloated or feel softer than usual. This can occur several days after fertilization. The nipple and areola (area around the nipples) will also be darker. Typically, this occurs approximately 3 weeks after conception.
11. Softening of the uterus and cervix
Typically, there is approximately 2-8 weeks of gestation.
12. No appetite, may have something to do with nausea nausea above.
13. Excessive vaginal discharge or a discharge from the vagina due to hormonal influences (Vaginal Discharge)
This includes normal. But should continue to be observed if there is a change of color, smell and taste occur gatal2 or "burning".
14. Insomnia
Some cases, pregnant women usually have trouble sleeping.
15. Uterus and abdominal bloating
Generally, starting at 8-12 weeks gestation.
16. Flu / cough / bloody nose / headaches / migraen
Take your medicine to swallow. Perform natural treatments first. It was probably this happens because the decline in immune system during pregnancy.
17. Pregnancy test
Test was "definitely" pregnancy if "positive", among others:
* Home pregnancy test such a test is done at home pack
* Ultrasound
* Office pregnancy test
* Pregnancy blood test
* Internal exam.
Actually, all pregnancy tests work to track the typical pregnancy hormone, ie, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone can only be found in the blood or urine of pregnant women. During pregnancy, the expected increase in the hormone hCG in the body. And, an increase of this hormone is not the same in every person. Generally, this hormone begin to rise about a week after ovulation. Even so, you should do a pregnancy test if your period late for 2 weeks.
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