Menstruation - Women Menstrual Cycle, Signs and Symptoms

Menstruation - Women Menstrual Cycle, Signs and Symptoms

Menstruation or menstruation or coming months is the physiological changes that occur in a woman's body on a regular basis and are influenced by reproductive hormones. This period is important in terms of reproduction. In humans, this usually occurs every month between the ages of adolescence to menopause. Besides humans, this period only occurs in large primates, while other mammals have estrous cycles.

In women the menstrual cycle occurs on average about 28 days, although this is generally accepted, but not all women have the same menstrual cycle, sometimes cycles occur every 21 days to 30 days. Typically, the average menstrual occurred 5 days, sometimes menstruation can also occur about 2 days to 7 days. Generally caused by menstrual blood loss was 10ml up to 80mL per day but usually with an average of 35mL per day.

Usually when a woman's menstrual wear pads to accommodate the blood that comes out during the move, especially during sleep so that your butt and pants are not wet and stay comfortable. Bandages should be changed at least twice a day to prevent infection of the vagina or other disturbances. Use the pads of the anti-bacterial and has a smooth air cycle.
The menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into four phases.

Phases of menstruation

That is, the entire uterine wall and the release of the body. This is due to reduced levels of sex hormones. Hali is gradually occurred on days 1 through 7.
Phase preovulatory

Namely, the formation and maturation of ova in the ovary that is triggered by elevated levels of estrogen in the body. This happens in stages on day 7 to 13.

Phase ovulation

Ovulation is the fertile period or a period in a woman's menstrual cycle where a mature egg cell is ready to be fertilized. If the woman had sexual intercourse in the fertile period or ovulation then the chance of pregnancy. 

Determining the fertile period

Several methods of determining the fertile period can be viewed in several ways:

1. Changes in Menstrual Periods
2. Mucus Cervix Changes
3. Basal Body Temperature Changes

Phase pascaovulasi

Namely, the deterioration does not occur when the ovum fertilization. At this stage, there is an increase of progesterone production so that the endometrium becomes thicker and ready to receive the embryo to develop. If fertilization does not occur, then the sex hormones in the body will occur again and again the menstrual phase.
Signs and symptoms

The following are some signs and symptoms that can occur during the menstrual period:

* Stomach feels heartburn, nausea and heat.
* Feels pain during urination.
* The body does not fit.
* Fever.
* Headache and dizziness.
* Whitish.
* Inflammation of the vagina.
* Itching of the skin.
* Emotions rise.
* Pain and swelling in the breast.
* Body odor is not pleasant.


During menstruation, pain from menstrual cramps often come. Could only vaguely or very painful. This condition is a bit disturbing during menstruation. Condition in medical terms is called dysmenorrhea is usually the case in the under abdomen. For reduce pain during menstruation, there are some things to do are:

* Increase your intake of fluids to avoid dehydration. Lack of fluids will make the pain more so. Try to drink warm water to increase blood flow to the pelvic region.
* Make a concoction of ginger. The trick, boil a few pieces of ginger that has been crushed in water and drink ginger in warm water.
* Place a warm towel around the lower abdomen. It's a fairly easy way to relieve pain temporarily.
* Avoid drinking beverages that contain caffeine because it can lead to irritation of the small intestine.
* Drinking a mint-flavored tea. Better if it's drunk warm.
* Stretching in the morning can be launched circulation of blood and simultaneously reduce pain.
Disorders of menstruation

* Painful periods or dysmenorrhea.

The first dysmenorrhea usually associated with rising levels of natural chemicals in the body during ovulation, which causes pain. Dysmenorrhea both a sign of a fundamental disorder. This second dysmenorrhea affects menstruating women who have never before. Abnormality reproduction, endometriosis, or fibroids can cause menstruation with pain, and the only way to know for certain the cause is to check with your doctor. Symptoms of dysmenorrhea include pain in the lower back or legs, abdominal cramps, or pain in the pelvic bone. These menstrual disorders may indicate infertility.

* Menstruation is very great, or menorrhagia.

Hormonal imbalance or uterine abnormalities can cause menstrual blood volume is very high, but Dr. Minkin says that the cause is not always clear. If women menstruate for seven days or more, and blood coming out again is not accommodated by the pads, then it is likely he suffered from menorrhagia. The blood clot also actually normal, but blood clots in large numbers is a sign of "heavy periods". Menorrhagia can cause anemia, so make sure you consume enough iron. Lean meat, green vegetables, cereals, oatmeal, boiled soybeans, and other nuts, is a good source of iron. You may need medication from the doctor to cope with excessive menstrual or anemia, but be sure your doctor knows if for example you're trying to get pregnant.

* Irregular Menstruation, or oligomenorrhea.

Menstruation is not predictable the arrival including normal, but only when this is happening in the first year women experience during menstruation and perimenopause (the years leading to menopause). Or hormone imbalance disorders also cause irregular menstruation, which can affect fertility and women the opportunity to get the baby.
* Not having menstruation or amenorrhea.

If a woman does not menstruate for three months, chances are she is pregnant. However, other causes could also be because he was experiencing amenorrhea, perimenopause, or menopause. The most common cause of absence of menstruation is pregnancy. Amenorrhea is also a side effect of disease, stress, exercise too heavy, or weight loss is too much. If a woman is not menstruating, could so she did not ovulate (release an egg every month no). If you are not ovulating then he will trouble getting pregnant. Patients should avoid a strict diet and exercise.

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Ovulatory phase lasts between 1 and 2 days. At this stage the egg released from the ovary in a process called ovulation. Ovulation occurs from 16 to 36 h by increasing the level of LH, and occurs between the 10 and 16 days before the next menstrual period. After liberation of the egg starts to move towards materičnoj cavity through the fallopian tube and during the course of the movement can be fertilized.
mentrual cycle calculator

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