Medical shock - Types, Definition, Sign, Treatments, Prevent

Medical shock

Definition of shock

Shock is a life-threatening medical condition in which the body suffers from insufficient blood flow throughout the body. Shock often accompanies severe injury or illness. Medical or medical shocks shock is a medical emergency and can lead to other conditions such as lack of oxygen in body tissues (hypoxia), heart attack (cardiac arrest) or organ damage. It requires immediate treatment because symptoms may worsen quickly.

Medical shock is different than the emotional shock or psychological shock that can occur after a traumatic emotional event or frightening.
Types of Shock

Septic shock resulting from the multiplication of bacteria in the blood and release toxins, poison. Cause this is a common cause of pneumonia, infections in the abdomen (such as rupture of the appendix) and meningitis.

Anaphylactic shock is a severe type of hypersensitivity or severe allergic reactions. Causes include allergy to stings, insect stings, medications or foods (nuts, berries, seafood) etc..

Cardiogenic shock occurs when the heart is damaged and unable to supply enough blood to the body. This could be the final result of a heart attack or congestive heart failure.

Hypovolemic shock caused by blood loss and severe fluid, such as from a traumatic injury of the body, which makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body.

Neurogenic shock is caused by spinal cord injuries (spinal cord), usually as a result of an accident or traumatic injury.
The causes of Shock

There are several major causes of shock:

* The conditions of the heart (heart attack, heart failure)
* Bleeding in or out of the heavy, like a wound that is serious
* Dehydration
* Infection
* Severe allergic reactions
* The wounds of the spine (spine)
* Burns
* Vomiting or diarrhea are persistent

Signs and Symptoms of Shock

Low blood pressures (hypotension) is a key sign of shock.

The symptoms of all types of shock include:

* Breathing rapid and shallow
* Chills, sweat-soaked skin
* Rapid and weak pulse
* Dizziness or fainting
* Weakness

Depending on the type of shock following symptoms may also be observed:

* Eye-eye visible widened
* Fear or agitation
* Confusion or does not respond
* Expenditure urine low or no
* Lip-lip and fingers are blue
* Sweating
* Chest pain

When should I seek medical care for shock?

If you suspect shock after injury, even if the person looks fine, call 911 or bolt them to the emergency room immediately. Rapid treatment can save a life.

Shock treated faster, better. When treated with a quick risk of damage to vital organs decreases a person more.

Treatment For Shock

Depending on the type or cause shock, treatment-treatment will be different. In general, fluid resuscitation (giving a large amount of fluid to rapidly raise blood pressure) with IV (intravenous) in the ambulance or emergency room is the first line treatment for all types of shock. Doctors will also include drugs such as epinephrine, norepinephrine or dopamine into the fluids to try to raise the blood pressure of patients to ensure blood flow to vital organs.

Tests (eg, x-rays, blood tests, EKGs) to determine the underlying cause of shock and reveal the severity of patient illness.

Septic shock treated with antibiotics immediately revenues depending on the source and type of underlying infection. These patients are frequently dehydrated and require the amounts of fluid to increase and maintain blood pressure.

Anaphylactic shock treated with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), epinephrine (an "Epi-pen"), steroid medication methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol), and sometimes medications-H2 blockers [eg, famotidine (Pepcid), cimetidine (Tagamet), etc..].

Cardiogenic shock treated by identifying and treating the underlying cause. Patients with heart attacks may require a surgical procedure called cardiac catheterization (cardiac catheterization) to unblock the artery. Patients with congestive heart failure may require medications to support and enhance the strength of your heartbeat. In cases of severe or prolonged, heart transplantation is probably the only treatment.

Hypovolemic shock were treated with fluids (saline) in cases of minor, but may require several blood transfusions in severe cases. Causes underlying bleeding should also be identified and corrected.

Neurogenic shock is the most difficult to treat. Damage to the spinal cord (spinal cord) often can not be reversed and cause problems with functions of the body's natural setting. In addition to fluids and observation, immobilization (holding the spine of the movement), anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids, and sometimes surgery are the main parts of treatment.
Self Care at Home

* Call 911 immediately for medical administration each time someone has symptoms of shock. Do not wait until the symptoms worsen before calling for help. Stay with the person until help arrives.
* While waiting for help or on the way to the emergency room, check airway, breathing, and circulation of man. Perform CPR if you are trained. If the person is breathing on her own, continually check breathing every five minutes until help arrives.
* Lay the person on his back with legs raised above the head (if you raise the legs causing pain or injury, keep the average person) to increase blood flow to vital organs. Do not raise head.
* Do not move someone who has a spinal injury who have known or suspected.
* Keep the person warm and comfortable. Loosen tight clothing and cover them with blankets.
* Do not give fluids by mouth, even if the person complains of thirst. There is a risk of choking in the event of loss of consciousness suddenly.
* Provide appropriate first aid for all wounds.

Prevent Shock

Learn ways to prevent heart disease, injuries, dehydration and other causes of shock.

If you have a known allergy, carry an epinephrine pen, which may be prescribed by your doctor.
Prognosis Shock

Prognosis depends on the cause of the shock, the patient's overall health, and speed of treatment and healing.

Generally, hypovolemic shock, and anaphylactic shock respond well to medical treatment if started with the beginning.

Septic shock is a serious condition that can have a mortality rate of 40% -75% according to some estimates. More infections were treated promptly and inserted fluids, greater chance of success.

Cardiogenic shock has a poor prognosis, with only one third of patients who survived. Because this type of shock resulting from injury or cardiac dysfunction is often difficult to treat and overcome them.

Spinal shock also has a very poor prognosis because the spinal cord (spinal cord) to mediate so many bodily functions that are important. While there are very few effective treatments, but medical research is making advances in the treatment of wounds of the spine (vertebrae).

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