Cholera and Impetigo - Treatment Prevention

Cholera and Impetigo - Treatment Prevention 

Disease or epidemic cholera  is an infectious disease in the digestive tract caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. These bacteria usually enters the body through drinking water contaminated by improper sanitation or by eating fish is not cooked properly, especially shellfish. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. Death is usually caused by dehydration. If left untreated, then the patient is high risk of death. Treatment can be done with aggressive rehydration "regimen", usually delivered intravenously on an ongoing basis until the diarrhea stops.


The main treatment done by restoring the lost body fluids or adequate rehydration until the disease is complete (usually 1 to 5 days without antibiotic treatment). Rehydration can be done to intravenous infusion fluids (in severe cases) or with oral rehydration with ORS (oral rehydration solution).


Antibiotics have a secondary but important role by reducing the degree of illness and duration of excretion of the disease. Giving antibiotics should be done after vomiting symptoms subside (or after the first rehydration and recovery from acidosis). The first choice of antibiotics used in Indonesia is tetracycline and second choice is trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole (when V. cholerae in patients resistant to tetracycline).


Impetigo is a contagious disease. Impetigo is a skin infection that causes the formation of small blisters containing pus (pustules).
Impetigo most often affects children, especially the cleanliness underweight and could appear in any body part, but is most often found on the face, arms and legs. In adults, impetigo can occur after other skin diseases. Impetigo may also occur after an upper respiratory tract infection (eg flu or other viral infections).

Tempoh incubation

When exposed to visible symptoms of this disease takes 1 to 3 days.


Red spots which become small blisters containing pus and scab; usually on the face, hands or head. Impetigo begins as an open wound that causes itchy, and blistered, remove the contents the blister then dry up and eventually form a scab.

Impetigo is a contagious disease, which is transmitted through the liquid that comes from blister.

The amount of blisters varies, ranging from the size of a pea to the size of a large ring. These blisters contain yellowish carian accompanied by intense itching.

Can occur swollen lymph nodes around the infected area.
Tempoh exile suggested

Yes, until treatment begins. Sores should be covered with waterproof bandages.


Wash hands thoroughly. Infection can be prevented by maintaining cleanliness and health agencies. Minor scratches or abrasions should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, if necessary, spread with anti-bacterial substances.

To prevent transmission:

1. Avoid contact with fluid from blisters on the skin
2. Avoid sharing towels, razors or clothing with an infected person
3. Always wash hands after handling the skin lesions.

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