Acne - Causes, Types, Treatments, Overcome, Prevents, Foods

Acne - Causes, Types, Treatments, Overcome, Prevents, Foods 
Acne is a condition in which the clogged skin pores, causing an inflamed sac of pus. Acne is a skin disease which is quite a large number of patients.  Kligmann, a renowned researcher of acne problems in the world believes, "No one person else in the world who go through life without a pimple on his skin. "ossible causes are hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands in the skin. Other hormonal changes that can lead to acne are menstruation, pregnancy, use of birth control pills , and stress.

Causes of Acne Appears

Excessive Oil Production

Acne does not only arise because of dirty, but rather due to factors from the body.  Acne is a skin condition caused by abnormal excessive disruption of oil gland production (sebaceus glands) that cause blockage of hair follicles and skin pores.  Causes of Acne The most common is a hormone, a pile of oil or sebum in the skin collaborate with bacteria.
Dead Skin Cells

Generally, acne is caused by excess oil glands as active androgens are produced. Acne is caused by excess oil gland is mixed with dead skin cells.  When the skin cells were mixed with the amount of sebum  already increased it, mixture is thick and sticky, it can form a plug that into black or white spots. Many people believe that acne is only attacking the face, but acne can also invade other body parts, like in the back, chest and upper arms. 


To make matters more complicated, the bacteria normally exist in the skin, called p.acne, which tend to proliferate in a clogged sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area. The gland continues to swell, and may will break, and then spread the inflammation to the skin surrounding the area.  This is what causes the most likely stone acne type, namely long-term leave pigmentation and scars as a permanent smallpox.


Pore ​​blockage often occurs by the use of cosmetics that contain lots of oil or the use of powder that blends with the foundation. Foundation, which contained the powder causing the powder powder easily clog the pores.


Consumption of corticosteroid medications, either orally (oral medication) or topical (topical medication), resulting in decreased immune system, it also increases the potential for acne due to increased activity of pathogenic bacteria.
Types of Acne

* Blackheads. 

Blackheads are actually clogged pores, can be open or closed. An open blackhead looks like an enlarged pores and blackened. Closed whiteheads have skin that grows over the clogged pores that look like small white bumps. This type of acne blackheads are caused by dead skin cells and excess secretion of oil glands in the skin.

* Acne is common.

This type of acne is easily recognized, small pink bumps or redness. Occurs because of clogged pores infected by bacteria. Bacteria that can infect from washcloths, makeup brushes, fingers, also the phone. Stress, hormones and the moist air, can increase the likelihood of the formation of acne.

Stone Acne (Cystic acne). 

Cystic acne is acne that were large, with severe inflammation, gathered around the face. Patients with cystic acne usually also have close relatives who suffer from this type of acne. Genetically sufferers have:

1. An over-active oil glands which flood the pores with oil glands,
2. The growth of skin cells that are not normal skin can not regenerate as fast as normal
3. Have an exaggerated response to inflammation that leave scars on the skin

How to Overcome Acne

Acne is a skin disease that usually affects the face.  Dealing with acne should not be arbitrary. In general, facial skin care principles as follows.

* Facial skin should be kept clean at rest at home.
* Avoid the use of cosmetic make-up while sleeping.
* The need different cleaners for dry skin with oily skin or normal skin, and vice versa.
* Clean your face on a different evening in the morning.
Natural Ways to Overcome Acne

Overcome acne.
1. Take 2-3 pieces of papaya leaves are old and dry in the sun.
2. Mash the papaya leaves and given water and then squeezed for juice is taken.
3. Apply juice of papaya leaves on acne.

Treatment of acne.

1. Wash horseradish to taste, then scar radish and take the water.
2. Add a little balsamic vinegar and mix until blended.
3. Apply it on acne, let stand until dry.
4. Once dry, wash with water.
5. Perform routine until acne resolved.
Eliminate Acne with Honey

Honey is known as one of the drinks that can increase your stamina and make the body fit. Not only that, honey has antibacterial properties which also allows it to be expelled from facial acne.

At certain times during a person's life, such as during puberty, during menstruation and menopause, hormones cause overproduction of sebum, which when mixed with bacteria can cause acne.

Proprionibacterium bacterium acnes or P. acnes is a strain of bacteria that normally live on human skin without causing damage to the skin. But if the production of more sebum, bacteria can contribute to infect acne.

Earlier it was known that honey can be used as an antibacterial. It is based on a study conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center is known that honey is rich in sugar, so it can help create an environment in which bacteria can not survive.

When applied to the wound or infection, hydrogen peroxide contained in the honey will be issued to the skin, which acts as an antiseptic. Reported DermaNetNZ, hydrogen peroxide is formed when diluted honey can heal wounds including acne infection.

Unlike pure hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic level made in the honey does not damage the skin.

The formation of hydrogen peroxide is not the only antibacterial benefits derived from honey. Honey also can stimulate phagocytic and lymphocytic activity, a key immune system response in the fight against infection.

DermaNetNZ recommends using honey from the manuka tree, Leptospermum scoparium to get rid of acne.
Prevent Acne Foods

In some people, acne is a skin health problem still not finished. Acne medication or expensive skin care does not guarantee to treat acne effectively.

According to Elliott Weiss, MD, a dermatologist from the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, a study shows your eating habits contribute greatly to the appearance of acne. Including, aggravate acne conditions

"One thing that is interesting, acne is the dominant problem in the community who follow the western diet (consumption of sugar and refined grain products are high). Meanwhile, the people who follow a diet-style hunter-gatherers (the consumption of meat, vegetables, grains, and do not eat processed foods or packaging) do not have a problem with acne, "he said as quoted from

It is not separated from the main triggers of acne are follicular hyperkeratosis conditions (proliferation), which leads to blockage of the follicle and inflammation. In fact, the foods you eat every day contribute to this process.
According to Dr. Weiss, the food should be avoided to prevent the appearance of acne is a sweet foods, excessive consumption of dairy products and processed grain products. This method would not only beautify the skin, but also keeping the waist circumference and weight of your body. In addition, multiply also the consumption of these three foods.

1. Vegetables and fruits with high water content
Vegetables with high water content, can help reduce the appearance of acne. Water is the key to stop the blockage and get rid of toxins that can trigger acne. To that end, multiply the consumption of fruits and vegetables high water levels such as cucumbers, watermelons, carrots, kiwi and tomatoes.

2. Oyster
This food is known to increase sexual desire. Another benefit is being able to cure acne because the content zinc high. Zinc helps control the release of hormones trigger acne.

3. Yogurt
Dairy products are known to trigger the appearance of acne. However, the content of the good bacteria in yogurt may help prevent the emergence of bad bacteria triggers the formation of acne. It would be better if you eat plain yogurt and add slices of fresh fruit, like bananas or apples.
Sunlight Helps Overcome Acne

One of the benefits of the sun in addition to dry clothes is ... dry up the pimple. Myth or fact? Got a problem acne is upsetting. When he comes (and swollen and red), not only pain that interferes with, but also lowers self-esteem. When acne has been deflated, he left a black stain on the face of even the hole. Are not acne on the face area that make it uncomfortable, even a pimple on the back too distracting. This is why acne is so embattled. Not only for women but also men.

Many acne products emerging repellent. Starting from the traditional way with natural herbs to modern medicine by injection on the pimple to immediately deflated and leaves no stain. The number of such treatments often create confusion, which is best. Then suddenly there who advises, "Just Bask in the sun to dry pimples and immediately deflated!"

Is it scientifically justified? Or just a myth that can not be verified? Not yet frowned, because according to Eric Schweiger, MD, a clinical instructor in dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center, the warm sun can indeed help us to overcome the problem of acne. An alternative that is cheap and easy is not it?

But Dr. Schweiger also reminded that the sun can damage skin health and beauty by raising the risk of skin cancer and accelerate the aging process. Lest they want to eliminate a pimple, you are risking the health of skin all over your body. Then how in order to obtain the benefits of sunlight effectively?

Advice from Dr. Schweiger that you visit the dermatology expert to perform using a blue light acne treatment, photodynamic therapy or laser VBEAM. The therapeutic benefits such as sunlight on acne, with an excess of only working on areas in need and without the risk of UV rays that can damage the skin.

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Hello, I am glad to read the whole content of this blog on acne and am very scared to see this acne effects on faces. I always prefer to eat fitness recipes with low spice because it’s helpful to solve hormones disturbance in your body and look beautiful.

Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.One thing that is interesting"Just Bask in the sun to dry pimples and immediately deflated!"

get rid of acne

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