Measles And Chickenpox - Incubation, Cause, Sign, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatments

Measles And Chickenpox - Incubation, Cause, Sign, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatments


Measles (Rubeola, Measles 9 days, measles) is a highly contagious viral infection, characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the lining of the eye tissue / conjunctiva) and skin rash. The disease is caused by paramyxovirus type measles virus infection.

Transmission of infection occurs from inhaling spray saliva with measles. Patients can transmit this infection within 2-4 days before emergence skin rash and 4 days after rash there.

Before the widespread use of measles vaccine, measles outbreaks occur every 2-3 years, especially in children ages pre-school and elementary school children. If a person had suffered from measles, then the rest of his life he would be immune to this disease.

Measles, rubeola, measles is an infectious disease or a highly contagious or infectious since the beginning of the prodromal period, ie the range of 4 days since the first appearance of the rash. Measles is caused by paramiksovirus (measles virus). Transmission is by splashing saliva from the nose, mouth and throat with measles (water borne disease). The incubation period is 10-14 days before symptoms appear.

Acquired immunity to measles after vaccination, the infection is active and passive immunity in a baby born to mothers who have been resistant (lasts for 1 year). People who are susceptible to measles are: - infants older than 1 year - babies are not getting immunized - teens and young adults who have not received a second immunization.


Symptoms begin to occur within 7-14 days after infection, namely: - Heat loss - sore throat] - runny nose (coryza) - cough (Cough) - Koplik spots - muscle aches - red eye (conjuctivitis)

2-4 days later the little white spots appear inside the mouth (Koplik spots). Rash (redness on the skin), which feels a bit itchy appear 3-5 days after onset of symptoms above. It can be shaped macular rash (red, flat rash) and papules (red rash that stands out). At first the rash appears on the face, which is in front of and below the ears and the neck next to the side. Within 1-2 days, the rash spreads to the torso, arms and legs, while the rash on the face started to fade.

At the peak of disease, the patient felt very ill, the rash is widespread as well as body temperature reaches 40 ° Celsius. 3-5 days later his body temperature falls, the patient started to feel good and the remaining rash quickly disappeared.

Fever, tiredness, runny nose, cough and sore eyes and red for several days followed by a rash of red pimples on the face and began to spread into the body and there for 4 days to 7 days.

In children a healthy and nutritionally adequate, measles rarely have serious repercussions. Some of the complications that can accompany measles:

1. Bacterial infections: pneumonia and middle ear infections
2. Sometimes there is thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), so that patients prone to easy bruising and bleeding
3. Encephalitis (brain infection) occurs in 1 of 1.000 to 2000 cases.


Diagnosis based on symptoms and skin rashes are typical.

Other checks that may need to be done: - blood, peripheral blood examination - examination of anti-measles Ig M - Investigation of complications of measles:

* Enteritis
* Ensephalopati,
* Bronkopneumoni

There is no specific treatment for measles. Children should undergo bed rest. To reduce fever, given acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If there is bacterial infection, antibiotics are given.


Measles vaccine is part of routine immunization in children. The vaccine is usually given in combination with mumps and German measles (MMR vaccine / mumps, measles, rubella), injected in the thigh or upper arm muscles.

If only contain measles vaccine at age 9 months is given. In the form of MMR, the first dose given at age 12-15 months, second dose given at age 4-6 years.

other than that the patient should also be advised to rest at least 10 days and eat nutritious food in order to increase body immunity.

Incubation Time

When exposed to illness: Approximately 10 to 12 days until first symptoms, and 14 days until the rash appears. Immunisation (MMR) at age 12 months and 4 years. People who are close and do not have immunity should not attend school or work for 14 days.


The incubation period

Time from exposure to illness within 2 to 3 weeks. this can be marked with a body that feels hot.

At the outset, the patient will feel a slight fever, runny nose, feel tired, lethargic, and weak. These symptoms are typical for a viral infection. In more severe cases, can be obtained joint pain, headache and dizziness. A few days later there arose a redness of the skin are small which was first discovered around the chest and abdomen or back and then followed arise in the limbs and face.

Redness of the skin is then turned into resilient contain liquids with thin walls. This rash may seem a little pain or itching that can carded accident. If resilience is allowed it will soon dry up to form scabs (crusts) which will come off and leave spots on darker skin (hyperpigmentation). These patches will fade over time so that over time will not leave a mark again.
Another case when the springy chicken pox is solved. Crusting will soon be formed more deeply so that it will dry out much longer. These conditions facilitate bacterial infection occurred in the scar had been scratching. after drying was used to remove chicken pox scars inside. Moreover, if the patient is an adult or young adults, chicken pox marks will be harder to disappear.

Time quarantine recommended

During the 5 days after the rash first appears and until all blisters have scabbed. During the quarantine period the patient should remain a bath as usual, because the germs that are on the skin will be able to infect the skin that are exposed to chicken pox. To avoid any scars that are difficult to avoid the outbreak should disappear resilient chickenpox. When drying off after a bath should not be too hard rubbing with a towel. To avoid itching, should be given talcum powder containing menthol to reduce the friction that occurs on the skin so the skin is not much irritated. For those who have sensitive skin can also use talcum powder salycil that does not contain menthol. Make sure you also always eat nutritious foods to speed up the healing process itself. Consumption of fruits that contain vitamin C such as guava and red tomato juice that can be made.


Immunizations are available for children aged over 12 months. Immunization is recommended for people over age 12 who do not have immune. Disease is closely related to immunity.


Varicella is actually able to heal itself. But not close the possibility of recurrent attacks when the individual is experiencing reduction endurance. Varicella disease can be treatment "Acyclovir" tablets 800 mg per day every 4 hours (adult dose, ie 12 years and over) for 7-10 days and aciclovir ointment containing 5% is applied thinner on the surface of infected 6 times a day for 6 days. Solution "PK" as much as 1% dissolved in the water bath is usually also used.

After a period of healing varicella, can proceed with the treatment of scars caused by eating lots of mineral water to neutralize the kidney after taking the drug. Consumption of vitamin C or placebo directly from fresh fruits such as guava juice, tomato juice and wine. Vitamin E for skin moisture can be obtained from the placebo, a drink of aloe vera, or seaweed. The use of lotions that contain extra moisturizers when the wound is completely healed is necessary to avoid further irritation.

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