Epistaxis - A bloody Nose

Epistaxis - A bloody Nose

Nose bleed (Medicine: epistaxis or UK: epistaxis) or a nosebleed is bleeding from the nose of the circumstances that come out through the nostrils.

There are two types of bleeding at the nose:

* Type the anterior (front). Is a common type.
* Type the posterior (rear).

In some cases, blood may originate from the sinuses and eyes. Besides bleeding that can occur through the gastrointestinal tract and can cause vomiting.


Common causes of epistaxis are divided into two, namely:

1. Local
2. Systemic

Local causes, especially trauma, often due to traffic accidents, sports, (such as a blow to the nose) are accompanied by nasal fracture (as shown on this page), up the nose that is too hard so that the wound on the nasal mucosa, the tumor in the nose, there is a foreign object (something that goes into the nose) are usually in children, or leech into the nose, and infection or inflammation of nasal and sinus (rhinitis and sinusitis)

Systemic causes of the disease means that not only limited to the nose, nosebleeds are often led to hypertension, systemic infections such as dengue fever, yellow fever, or cikunguya, blood disorders such as hemophilia, autoimmune trombositipenic purpura, and leukemia.

All bleeding nose nasal mucosa caused by the release layer containing many small blood vessels. Will be accompanied by the release of mucosal injury to the blood vessels resulting in bleeding.

Blood flow will stop after the blood had frozen in the process of blood clotting. A medical opinion says that when the bleeding occurs, it is better if the head is tilted forward position (sitting position) for blood flow and prevent entry into the esophagus and stomach.

First aid in case of a nosebleed is to squeeze the front of your nose for three minutes. During pemencetan should breathe through the mouth. Mild bleeding will usually stop in this way. Do the same thing in case of recurrent bleeding, if it does not stop you should visit a doctor for help.

For chronic nose bleeds due to dryness of the nasal mucosa, is usually prevented by spraying saline in the nose up to three times a day.

If due to the pressure, the ice pack can be used to shrink blood vessels (vasoconstriction). If it still does not work, can be used tampon nose. Nasal tampons to stop the bleeding and the media is mounted 1-3 days.

Deaths due to bleeding nose is something that is rare. However, if it caused damage to the arteries maksillaris can lead to severe bleeding through the nose and is difficult to cure. Act of giving pressure, vasoconstrictor less effective. Possible healing maksillaris artery structure (which can damage the facial nerve) is the only solution.

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