Doctors and Indonesian Doctors Oath

Doctors and Indonesian Doctors Oath
Doctors (from the Latin word meaning "teacher") is a person who because of knowledge on people trying to heal the sick. Not everyone who can be called a doctor to cure disease. To become a doctor is usually needed education and specialized training and have a degree in medicine.

To become a doctor, a person must complete education in the Faculty of Medicine for several years dependent system used by the University Faculty of Medicine where it is located.

Doctor of Education in Indonesia refers to a Doctor of Education Core Curriculum Indonesia (KIPDI). Currently used KIPDI III system using Problem Based Learning

Physician education in Indonesia requires 10 semester to become a doctor, 7 semesters to earn a college degree (Bachelor of Medicine / S.Ked) plus 3 to 4 semesters of senior clinical work or co-assistant (clerkships) at the Hospital. [Citation needed]

To become a doctor, a graduate of High School Studies Program following the Doctor of Education (PSPD) in Medical Education Institution in Indonesia. At the beginning of 2011 has registered 71 PSPD throughout Indonesia.

Doctor of Education in Indonesia refers to the Indonesian Doctors' Competency Standards and Standards of Professional Education Physician Medical Council issued by Indonesia in 2006. Shape the course curriculum current doctor is Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) which consists of three stages namely stage of general education (1 semester), stage of medical science education (minimum of 6 semesters) and clinical stage of learning (minimum of 3 semesters).

As a whole to achieve a medical degree takes a minimum of 10 semesters of education. After that newly graduated doctors should follow the doctor Indonesia Competency Test (UKDI) organized by the Joint Committee College of Physicians Indonesia (KDI) under the IDI and after graduated Doctor obtained a Certificate of Competency.

After obtaining Certificate of Competency doctor, a doctor can follow the CBC graduate internship program for 1 year. Internship program organized by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) in conjunction with the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Physicians who have completed the internship program are entitled to apply for a driver's license practice independently.

Doctors who have followed the internship program can choose a career path practice; whether a medical specialist, or a general practice physician.

The specialist is a physician who has followed the Education Program Specialist (PPDS). In Indonesia there are now more than 30 kinds of specialties to choose from. The specialist will practice at secondary and tertiary health care (in hospital). Own general practice physicians are medical doctors practicing in primary care (clinic or medical clinic). General practice physicians into the gate of medical services.
Because health status in a country would be good if doctors in primary care quality, the role of general practice physicians in a country is very important. General practice physicians are encouraged to regularly update their knowledge and hone skills to maintain quality. General practice physicians who have followed some of the skills required and demonstrated that continuously renew knowledge, has the right to be called a family doctor who issued the certificate by the Association of Family Physicians Indonesia (PDKI).

Family doctors are general practitioners who are entitled to become a provider of medical services at the primary level for patients who are members of a health insurance company. In late October 2010 on the Indonesian Medical Council registered 73,574 physicians, 19,128 specialists.


Indonesian Doctors Oath

I will devote my life to the interests of humanity;
I will give my teachers the respect and proper acknowledgments;
I'll run my duties in a manner that respectful and high morals, in accordance with the dignity of my work;

Health patients will continue to be my prime;
I'll keep everything I know because my work and for me as a doctor of science;
I will maintain the utmost dignity and noble traditions of medical office;
I will treat my colleagues as to which I myself want to be treated;
In fulfilling obligations to the patient, I will endeavor in earnest so I was not influenced by considerations of religion, nationality, ethnicity, party politics, or social position;
I will respect every human life from the moment of conception;
Although threatened, I will not use my medical knowledge to something that is contrary to humanitarian law;

I swore this oath seriously and with respect to risk myself.

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