Inflammatory Disease Appendicitis - Sign and Symptoms

Inflammatory Disease Appendicitis - Sign and Symptoms
Inflammatory Disease Appendix

Before any further discussion about appendicitis which in medical language is called Appendicitis, then it must first be understood what is meant by appendicitis. Appendix, as the name suggests that this is really the intestinal tract that ends nowhere. Intestine is the amount of approximately  little finger, is connected to the large intestine that is located in the lower right abdomen.

The appendix in Latin referred to as Appendix vermiformis, this organ is found in humans, mammals, birds, and some reptiles. This organ was originally regarded as an extra organ that has no function, but it is currently known that the function of the appendix is ​​as immunologic organ and is actively involved in the secretion of immunoglobulin (an immune) which has / contains lymphoid glands.
Like the organs of the body, the appendix or the appendix may be subject to damage or interruption of the disease. This often times we are familiar with the name of Inflammatory Disease Appendix (Appendicitis).
# Cause Inflammatory Disease Appendicitis

Appendicitis disease is usually caused by bacterial infection, but there are several possible factors originators who until now have not be known with certainty. Among the factors blockage (obstruction) in the lining of the channel (lumen) appendix by fecal piles / hard stool (fekalit), hyperplasia (enlargement) of lymphoid tissue, worm disease, parasites, foreign objects in the body, the primary cancer and strictures.

Among some of the above factors, the most common and strong hunch as factor is blockage by stool / feces and lymphoid tissue hyperplasia. Blockage or enlargement which is the medium for bacteria to breed. Note that in faeces / stool humans are very likely to have been contaminated by a bacterium / bacteria Escherichia coli, this often resulting in infections that result in inflammation of the appendix.

Eating chili with seeds or guava and often undigested seeds in feces and sneak to appendix as salty things, So did the hardening stool / stool (constipation) in a long time so maybe there are parts which are tucked into  appendix that eventually become the media germs / bacteria nest and breed as an infection that causes inflammation of the appendix.

Someone who experienced worm disease (intestinal worms), when the worms are breeding within the colon and then strayed into the appendix it can cause disease of appendicitis.

# Description Inflammatory Disease Appendix (Appendicitis)

Inflammation or swelling that occurs in the appendix causes the flow of lymph fluid and blood are not perfect in the appendix (appendix) as a result of pressure, the end of the appendix were damaged and there was decay (gangrene) because it did not get food again.

Decay of the appendix produces purulent fluid, if not immediately addressed the consequences of the appendix will rupture (perforation / tear) and pus which contains the bacteria spread to the abdominal cavity. The impact is widespread infection, which is an infection of the abdominal cavity wall (peritonitis).
# Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis

Symptoms vary depending on the stage is the appendix;

1. Acute appendicitis Inflammatory Disease (sudden).
In this condition the symptoms caused by the body to high heat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain lower right, make it run so sick, but not everyone will show symptoms like this, it could also just be chills, or nausea-vomiting alone.

2. Appendicitis chronic inflammatory disease.
At this stage the symptoms slightly similar to heartburn where there is a faint pain (dull) in the area around the navel and sometimes an intermittent fever. Often accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, and pain that moves to the right lower abdomen with signs typical of acute appendicitis is pain point pd Mc Burney (medical term).

The spread of pain will depend on the direction of the position / location of the appendix to the colon itself, If the tip of the appendix is ​​touching the urethra ureter, the pain would be similar to the sensation of urinary tract colic pains, and there may be urinary disorders. When the position of the appendix to the back, the pain came on skewers rectal examination or vaginal puncture. In the appendix another position, the pain may not be so specific.

# Examination of inflammatory disease diagnosis appendicitis

There are several checks that can be done by the Health Team to determine and diagnose the presence of inflammatory disease of the appendix (Appendicitis) by the patient. Among them are physical examination, laboratory tests and radiology examinations;

1. Physical examination.
In acute appendicitis, with observations would appear to the swollen (swelling) of the abdominal cavity where the walls seemed to tighten the abdomen (distention). In palpability (palpation) the lower right abdominal area, often when pressed will feel pain when pressure is released and will also feel pain (Blumberg sign) which is the key to the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

With the action right leg bent and strong thighs / legs in the lift it high, then the pain in my stomach getting worse. Suspicion of inflammation of the appendix is ​​increasing when the rectal examination and or vagina causing pain as well. Rectal temperature (rectal) temperature is higher than the armpit (axilla), further supporting the presence of appendicitis again.

2. Laboratory examination.
In the laboratory examination of blood, which can be found is an increase of white blood cells (leukocytes) to about 10,000 - 18.000/mm3. If an increase is more than that, then it is likely the appendix has perforated (ruptured).

3. Radiological examination.
Plain photo abdomen may reveal a fekalit. But this examination is rarely helpful in diagnosing appendicitis. Ultrasonography (USG) is quite helpful in the diagnosis of appendicitis (71-97%), especially for pregnant women and children. The highest level of accuracy is with a CT scan (93-98%). With a CT scan can clearly picture the appendix.
# Handling and Inflammatory Disease Treatment appendicitis

When the diagnosis is certain, then the standard for the management of inflammatory diseases of the appendix (appendicitis) is operating. In the early conditions when it can immediately diagnosed the possibility of antibiotics can be done, however relapse rate reached 35%.

Surgery can be either open or semi-closed (laparoscopic). After surgery, should be given antibiotics for 7-10 days. Next is a wound care operations that must be protected from the possibility of secondary infection from contaminated equipment, etc.

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