Vascular Disease, Peripheral Artery

Vascular Disease
When the heart beats, it pumps blood through the system of blood vessels called the circulatory system. Vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the body. Arteries carry blood out of the heart while veins to the heart reverse.

Vascular disease including any condition that affects your circulatory system. This includes diseases of the arteries, veins and lymph vessels you get to the blood disorders that affect circulation. The following are conditions that enter the category of vascular disease.

Peripheral Artery Disease

As the heart's blood vessels (coronary arteries), your peripheral arteries (blood vessels outside the heart to you) also may develop atherosclerosis, the formation of deposits of fat and cholesterol, called plaque, on the inside of the wall- wall. Through time, the formation of arterial narrowing. Eventually the narrowed artery causes less blood flow and a condition called "ischemia" may occur. Ischemia is inadequate blood flow to tissues.

* Blockages in the coronary arteries can cause symptoms of chest pain (angina) or heart attack.
* Blockages in the carotid arteries (the arteries that supply the brain) can lead to transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke.
* Obstruction in the legs can lead to leg pain or cramps with activity (a condition called claudication), changes in color of skin, wounds or ulcers and feeling tired in the legs. Lost a total circulation can lead to gangrene and loss of limbs.
* Blockages in the renal arteries (arteries that supply the kidneys) can cause renal artery disease (stenosis). Symptoms include hypertension (high blood pressure) that are not controlled, heart failure and abnormal kidney function.


An aneurysm is an abnormal protrusion of the blood vessel wall. They can be formed on all blood vessels, but they occur most commonly in the aorta (aortic aneurysm) which is the main blood vessel leaving the heart. Two types of aortic aneurysm are:

* Thoracic aortic aneurysm (part of the aorta in the chest)
* Abdominal aortic aneurysm

Aneurysm-Aneurysm not generally show little threat. However, one is at increased risk for:

* The formation of atherosclerotic plaque (fatty deposits and calcium) in place aneurysm.
* Clot (thrombus) may form in place and released.
* Increase in aneurysm size, causing pressure on other organs, causing illness / pain.
* Rupture of an aneurysm - because of the arterial wall thinning in this place, it is fragile and may break under the stress / pressure. The sudden rupture of an aortic aneurysm may be life threatening.
Artery Disease Kidney (Renal)

Renal artery disease (renal) most commonly caused by atherosclerosis of the renal arteries (liha above). It occurs in people with vascular disease are common. Rarely, renal artery disease can be caused by abnormal tissue growth congenital (present at birth) that form the renal arteries. Type of renal artery disease occurs in groups of younger age.

Raynaud's Phenomenon (Also called Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's syndrome)

Raynaud's phenomenon consists of spasms of small arteries of the fingers and sometimes toes, caused by exposure to cold or excitement. Exposure-specific job exposure leads to Raynaud's. Episodes result in a temporary shortage of blood supply to the area, causing the skin to appear white or bluish and cold or numb. In some cases, the symptoms of Raynaud's may be associated with underlying diseases (ie, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma).

Buerger's disease

Buerger's disease most commonly affects the arteries, veins and nerves of small and medium-sized. Although the cause is unknown, there is a strong association with tobacco use or exposure. The arteries of the arms and legs become narrow or clogged, causing lack of blood supply (ischemia) in the fingers, hands, toes and legs. Pain occurs in the arms, hands and, more often, the legs, even when resting. With a few blocks, tissue may die (gangrene), requiring amputation of fingers and toes.

Inflammation of the veins near the surface and the symptoms of Raynaud's occurs commonly in patients with Buerger's disease.

Peripheral Venous Disease

The veins are hollow tubes are flexible with petals in it, called valves. When your muscles contract, the valves open and blood moves through the veins. When your muscles relax, close valves, maintaining blood flow in one direction through the veins.
If the valves inside your veins become damaged, the valves may not close completely. This allows blood to flow in both directions. When your muscles relax, valves inside the veins are damaged blood will not be able to withstand. This can cause pooling of blood or swelling in the veins. These veins stand out and look like ropes under the skin. Blood began to flow more slowly through the veins, it may be attached to the sides of the walls of blood vessels and blood clots can form.

Veins-Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are prominent veins, swollen, purple, like a rope, which is visible just below your skin, caused by faulty valves within the veins. They are more common in women than in men, and often outstanding in families. They can also be caused by pregnancy, excess weight is very severe or standing for periods of time. Symptoms include:

* Prominent veins, swollen, purple, as seen under the leather straps.
* Veins of spider - small cracks red or purple on the knees, calf-calves, or thighs, caused by the swollen capillaries (tiny blood vessels).
* The feet are sore, stabbing and swell at night.

Blood clots in the veins

Blood clots in the veins are usually caused by:

* Rest in bed a long time and / or paralysis
* Damage to the veins of injury or infection
* Damage to the valves in the veins, causing a buildup near the petals of the valve
* Pregnancy and hormones (such as estrogen or birth control pills)
* Chaos-genetic disorder
* The conditions that cause a slowing of blood flow or blood more viscous, such as inflammatory bowel disease, congestive heart failure, or certain tumors

There are many types of blood clots that can occur in the veins:

* Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that occurs in deep veins.
* Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that regardless of the vein and goes into the lungs.
* Chronic venous insufficiency is not a blood clot, but a condition that occurs when vein valves are damaged or DVT causes buildup of blood and swelling in the legs for a long time. If uncontrolled, fluid will leak into the tissues around the ankles and the legs, and may eventually lead to skin breakdown and ulceration.

Chaos-Chaos Blood Clotting

Blood clotting disorders are conditions that make the blood more likely to form blood clots in the arteries and veins. These conditions may be inherited / inherited (congenital, occurring at birth) or acquired during life and include:

* The levels are up from the factors in the blood that causes blood to clot / clot (fibrinogen, factor 8, prothrombin).
* Lack of protein-protein (antithrombin, protein C, protein S) anticoagulants (blood thinners) natural
* The number-increasing amount of blood
* Abnormal Fibrinolysis (decomposition of fibrin)
* Abnormal changes in the lining of blood vessels (endothelium)


Lymph system is a circulatory system that includes a vast network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. Lymphatic system helps coordinate the functions of the lymph system to protect the body from foreign substances.

Lymphedema is an abnormal buildup of fluid that causes swelling, most often in the arms or legs. Lymphedema develops when lymph vessels or lymph nodes is lost, disrupted, damaged or removed / excluded.

Primary lymphedema is rare and is caused by the absence of certain lymph vessels at birth, or it may be caused by abnormalities in the lymphatic vessels.

Secondary lymphedema occurs as a result of obstruction / hindrance or interruption to change the lymph system. Secondary lymphedema can develop from infesi, a dangerous disease, surgery, scar tissue formation, trauma, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), treatment of radiation or other cancer treatments.

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