Blood Clots - Complication, Information

Blood Clots - Complication, Information


Blood is the fluid that flows in the blood vessels. He is always in motion when the heart pumps blood through the arteries to the various organs and cells from different body. The blood is returned to the heart by the veins. Veins in the body is pressed when muscles contract and push blood back to the heart.

Blood clotting is an important mechanism to help the body repair the blood vessels are injured. Blood consists of:

* Cells red blood that contain hemoglobin that carries oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide (a waste product of metabolism),
* Cells white blood that fight infection,
* Platelet which is part of the body's clotting process, and
* Blood plasma, which contains a fluid, chemicals and proteins functions which is essential for the body.
Mechanism complex occurs in the bloodstream to form clots where they are needed. If  e lining of blood vessels injured, platelets recruited into the injured area to form the initial blockage. This enabled Platelets schemicals release that initiates the clotting cascade, using a series of factors clumping produced by the body. Finally, fibrin is formed, the protein that crosses itself to form a mesh that form blood clots that end.

Medical term for blood clot is a thrombus (plural = thrombi). When the thrombus is formed as part of normal body repair process, there is little consequence. Unfortunately, there hours when a thrombus (blood clot) is formed in which he is not required, and this may have significant potential consequences.

Cause Blood clots

Clots blood is formed when there is damage to the lining of blood vessels, artery or vein. The damage may be obvious, such as laceration (laceration), or it may occur at the microscopic level. As well, the blood will start to clot if he stops moving and becomes stagnant.
Venous thrombosis, or blood in the veins clots occurs when a person becomes paralyzed and muscles not contract to push blood back to the heart. Blood of the stagnant  began to form small clots along walls vein. This initial clot can be grow to tie up part or the whole or obstruct the veins and prevent blood back to the heart. Analogy (similarities) of the process is slow flow river. With the passage of time, rgrasses wild and algae began to gather along the river where water flows edges more slowly again. Gradually, when the wild grasses begin to grow, they begin to invade the center of the river because they can withstand the pressure of the water flow coming.

Arterial thrombi (clots blood in the arteries) occurs by different mechanisms. For those with atherosclerotic disease, plaque formed along sediments lining of arteries and veins constrict growth. It is a disease process that may lead to heart attack, stroke, or peripheral arterial disease. If plaque tear (rupture), blood clots can form in place and can jam up in full or partial blood flow at that point.

Clots blood in the heart. In atrial fibrillation, the atria or upper chambers of the heart is not beating in an organized way (regular). Instead, he was shaken, and the blood tends to be stagnant (stagnant) along walls atrium. Through time, this may lead to the formation of small blood clots. clots can also form in the ventricle after a heart attack when part of the heart muscle is injured and unable to contraction normally. Due to the damaged area will not contract with a whole heart, blood can begin to assemble or stagnated, leading to clot formation.
Blood leaks out of blood vessels. Clots blood can form when blood leaks out of blood vessels. It's very rewarding when someone gets cuts or scratches, because the clot helps stop further bleeding at the site of injury. Clotting mechanism works well also after trauma. Bones broken, sprains, and bleeding nose bleeding results in all controlled by the body's clotting mechanism.

Clots blood vessels that lead to other medical issues. Occasionally, abnormal blood clotting which can cause medical issues because of its location. For example, if the bleeding occurs in the urine of diversity causes anything (such as infection, trauma, or tumor) clots can form and prevent bladder emptying, leading to her arrest urine. Clot formation in the womb (uterus) may cause pain when clots expelled through the cervix (cervical) and can lead to vaginal bleeding, as part of a period or as abnormal vaginal bleeding (menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea).

Factors Risk For Blood clots

Factors risk for clots arteries are common to all vessels diseases that causes narrowing of the blood, cholesterol plaque formation and plaque tears.
* High blood pressure (hypertension)
* Hight leverl cholesterol
* Diabetes (diabetes)
* Smoking
* Family history

Clots formed veins are caused by either of two reason : 1) paralysis, and 2) mistakes genetic clotting mechanism.

1. Paralysis: Most commonly, when the body stops moving, the risk of increased blood clots, because the muscle movements necessary to pump blood to the heart. Blood of the stagnant (stagnant) in the vein tends to clot.
* This may happen when a person is hospitalized in hospitals or lying in bed after illness or surgery.
* It may also occur with long runs (as in a car, train, or plane) where the time had passed without someone hours might get up to walk or stretch yourself.
* Bleeds orthopedic and casting also puts people at risk.
* Pregnancy is a risk factor for the formation of blood clots and pelvis, because the content is growing at an extension may be enough to slow the flow of blood back to the heart so that blood clots may be formed.
2. Mistakes genetic clotting mechanism : There may be errors gens or who were born in the clotting mechanism, make someone hypercoagulable (hyper = more coagulation + = clumping) and greater risk for the formation of clots..

Types of Clots Conditions Caused By Blood

Clots blood can cause life-threatening medical conditions, and always considered in the differential diagnosis of  sign symptoms or whatever. Differential diagnosis is a list of potentially causes of the patient's condition, which is considered by doctors when examining patients.
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

Deep venous thrombosis can lead to pulmonary embolism. If there is a blood clot or thrombus within a deep vein, he is the possession of the potential to break off (embolize) and flows through venouses back through the heart, and into the lungs where it can be trapped in small blood vessels, which prevents the proper functioning of the lungs. Pulmonary embolism is a medical emergency and can cause serious illness or death.

Embolus is the medical term for blood clot that has moved with the flow of blood to different locations. With a pulmonary embolus (PE), two things happened.

1. Compromised pulmonary blood supply and the affected area of ​​lung tissue into infarction, or death.
2. Because of the blockage, the ability of the lungs to provide oxygen to the body decreases and hypoxia (reduced oxygen levels in the blood and throughout the body) may occur.

Even if no embolic venous blood clots (broken and despite running), they may cause significant local issues with swelling and pain. Because blood can not return to the heart if the vein is blocked by a clot, members body is chronically swollen and may have reduced function in a condition called chronic thrombophlebitis.

Arterial thrombus

Arterial thrombus stops blood supply to tissue outside the barrier, stopping the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This quickly leads to tissue death. Arterial thrombus is the mechanism that causes:

* A heart attack (when it occurs in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart)
* Stroke (when it occurs in arteries in the brain), or
* Peripheral vascular disease (occurring in arteries of legs).

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